We Understand Your Challenges in Bone Grafting

The RegenerOss Bone Graft Plug is an easy-to-use grafting solution for filling extraction sockets and periodontal defects.

The Plug features a combination of 80% graft particulate and 20% Type I bovine collagen that adapts to the shape of the defect once hydrated. ​




RegenerOss Bone Graft Plug Benefits

Easy-to-Use Grafting  Solution

  • Plug can be placed dry and takes the shape of the defect once hydrated
  • Collagen holds graft particles in place within the defect site

Structure Similar to Human Bone

  • Interconnected pores and trabecular architecture favor the formation and ingrowth of new bone at the graft site

High Mineral Content

  • Implants can typically be placed 6 months post-grafting in extraction sockets


RegenerOss Allograft Putty Features

Structure Similar to Human Bone

 •  Mineral component of the graft has macro-and microstructures similar to human bone

Clinical Applications:

 •  Socket preservation

 •  Ridge augmentation

 •  Periodontal and peri-implant defects

Resorption Timeline:

 •  Graft is fully resorbed in 9-12 months

Easy-to-Use Grafting Solution:

 •  Plug-shaped form that mimics extraction sockets, can be placed dry, and adapts when hydrated.

ZimVie Dental Biomaterial Solutions Regeneross Bone Graft Plug

Preserve the bone following an extraction for future implant placement or ridge maintenance.

Fig.1 Place a RegenerOss Bone Graft Plug immediately after an extraction.
  • Place a RegenerOss Bone Graft Plug immediately after an extraction.
Fig.1 Place a RegenerOss Bone Graft Plug immediately after an extraction.
  • Assess the size of the defect and choose the appropriately sized plug.
Fig.1 Place a RegenerOss Bone Graft Plug immediately after an extraction.
  • Cut the plug as needed and loosely pack into the socket.
Fig.1 Place a RegenerOss Bone Graft Plug immediately after an extraction.
  • The Bone Graft Plug adapts to the shape of the defect when hydrated.
Fig.1 Place a RegenerOss Bone Graft Plug immediately after an extraction.
  • The soft tissue should be sutured to achieve primary closure, if possible.
Fig.1 Place a RegenerOss Bone Graft Plug immediately after an extraction.
  • The site is typically ready for implant placement after six months.

Frequently Asked Questions    

Start Elevating Your Bone Grafting Outcomes Today!

Three Simple Steps 

to Better Dental Care