Simplify your workflow and enhance patient comfort with Encode® Emergence Impression System.

Traditional dental impression methods can be invasive, uncomfortable for patients, and may lead to multiple abutment removals that negatively affect peri-abutment mucosa and crestal bone.


ZimVie T3 Pro Tapered Dental Implant System Encode Emergence Impression


Why Choose Encode® Emergence Impression System?

Natural Tissue Healing: Gradually rising emergence profiles shape and facilitate natural tissue healing, reducing the need for bone profiling and maintaining tissue health.

Enhanced Aesthetic Outcomes: The pink matte appearance closely matches the gingiva’s color, providing superior aesthetics and reducing intraoral scan reflection for clearer scan images.

Streamlined Workflow: Eliminate the need for impression copings and traditional impression materials, making the process more efficient and comfortable for patients.


Benefits for the Patient

Comfort: There is no need to use impression copings, resulting in a less invasive impression procedure for improved patient comfort.

Fewer Visits: The intraoral scan can be taken by the specialist at the surgical release visit, eliminating a restorative appointment and resulting in less visits to the dentist’s office compared to traditional procedures.

Aesthetic Outcomes: Abutments designed specifically for the patient's anatomy, for better aesthetic outcomes compared to traditional non-digital procedures.


Design for Surgical 

and Restorative Aesthetics and Efficiency

Encode® Emergence  Healing Abutments  Now Available for the 2.9mm connection

Easy insertion and removal with internal threads engaging the screw channel.

Intraoral scan or traditional impression capability when the abutment occlusal is clear.

Now available 2.9mm diameter (Only U.S)

Available in various emergence profile diameters and heights (2.9, 3, 5, and 7-mm).

Design for Flexibility

Take a Digital or Traditional Impression

encode emergence impression system intraoral scanning

Intraoral Scanning

encode emergence impression system traditional pvs impression

Traditional PVS Impression

Additional Information

Product clearance and availability may be limited to certain countries/regions. Please contact your local sales representative or customer service team.